2012. szeptember 4., kedd

Beautiful labia

"How do guys feel about women’s labia minora? Do they want them small, big? Many women are getting the surgery done, because they think that men prefer them small."
Who cares what your hoo-ha looks like. Guys care? What guys? Fifteen year old porn addicts who’ve never actually seen a vagina? I’ve seen all kinds of ladyflowers — no petals, big petals, flared ones and some that play hide-and-go seek. Every one was awesome. There’s also the other matter of the fact that my penis doesn’t care what the hoo-ha looks like. It’s all about fit. Grip. Friction. Oh, and effing chemistry.
If any man ever expresses an opinion about your woman zone, just look at him and say "How about you go get the wrinkles ironed out of your saggy balls, bro. While you’re at it, fix that creepy bend, mushroom dong." Ack! I am suddenly enraged. Sometimes I think men don’t actually want to have sex, they just want to look at sex the way a super fan spends hours looking over his baseball cards. Oh well, more for us.
Source: guyspeak.com

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